5 Simple Tips to Extend the Life of Your Septic System

Septic systems are underground structures used for wastewater treatment. They are usually present in rural areas, where homeowners don’t have access to municipal sewer systems. These systems consist of chambers made up of plastic, concrete, or fiberglass. There are different types of septic tanks. As with anything else on your property, you should take the proper steps to extend the life of your system. Here are some tips to help!


5 Simple Tips to Extend the Life of Your Septic System:


There are many ways you can extend the life of your septic system. Regular maintenance and septic tank pumping can ensure your system works efficiently for longer periods of time. It can also prevent costly repairs. There are also various precautions you can take to keepyour septic systems working properly.


1.   Cover Your System with Grass


One way to extend the life of the system is to cover it with a layer of grass. Small plants or other landscaping with small roots can also be planted here. These roots are useful in absorbing the water released by the tanks. Just be sure to avoid larger plants or those with deep reaching roots. These can invade your tank and damage your system. It is also not safe to place these types of plants near your system.


2.   Avoid Garbage Disposals


Garbage disposal systems are present in many residential properties today. However, they can be damaging to your septic system. Garbage disposals increase the amount of solids sent into your tank. Since food waste, greases, oil, and fat should never be flushed into your septic tank, this can cause various issues for septic system owners.


Garbage disposals can cause your system to malfunction and clog the drains. If non-flushable solids go down your drains, they can cause costly damage to your property. If you already have a garbage disposal installed, you should consider removing it to extend the life of your system.


3.   Reduce Water Usage


Water conservation proves beneficial for septic systems. These systems have a specific capacity to hold water. The more water you use, the higher the water level in your tank. If your water usage exceeds this capacity, water will overflow and damage your tank.


Water overflow can clog your drains and can also cause a total breakdown of your system. Higher flow also affects bacterial activity in the tanks. It can reduce this activity which results in poor wastewater treatment.


Excess water makes the soil around the tanks very wet. Dry soil is necessary to absorb clean water. If dry soil is not present, it affects the tank’s working and can also cause failure. Therefore, by reducing water usage, you can extend the life of your septic tank.

4.   Watch What You Flush


Only waste, wastewater, and toilet paper should be flushed down your toilets with a septic system. Since non-flushable solids can clog the tank, you should avoid flushing these. This includes baby wipes, makeup products, feminine hygiene products, food particles, and other items.


5.   Check Before Digging


Always remember the exact location of your tank. This will ensure that you don’t dig or place any heavy objects over your septic tank. Digging near the area can easily damage or puncture your tank.


Contact Bennett Excavation, Grading, Asphalt, Trenching & Septic for Your Residential Needs


Do you need help with your septic tank? Our Redlands septic service is the reliable, affordable team that residential customers trust. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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