22 Interesting Facts About Our Eyes

The human eye is one of the more complex and beautiful parts/organs of the body. It has so much going on as well as developing differently than the rest of the population. Everyone’s eyes, like fingerprints, are different and unique in their own special way. Knowing more about our eyes can also help us understand what our eyes and eyesight does over time. We rely on these small things in our head, but never really think about the complexity as well as importance to everything we do as humans.

Here are 22 interesting facts about our eyes that everyone should know.

  • Our eyebrows are used to help keep the sweat from our foreheads out of our eyes.
  • The space between our eyebrows and above our nose is called the Glabella.
  • It is physically impossible to sneeze while your eyes are open.
  • The most common injury caused by cosmetics is someone poking their eye with a mascara wand.
  • It is a natural reflex for our eyes to close when our brain thinks we are ever in any sort of danger.
  • In humans, about half the brain is dedicated to sight.
  • We naturally blink less while reading or looking at an electronic device, which results in our eyes getting tired.
  • It is a common idea that reading in dim or dark lighting can damage your eyes, but that is actually a myth and reading in a dark setting does no harm to your eyesight.
  • When humans have eye surgery to replace the cornea, a shark cornea takes the place of the human cornea.
  • The corena of our eye is the only tissue that is a part of the human body that does not contain any form of blood vessel.
  • The name for the fear of eyes is ommatophobia.
  • The muscles in our eyes are almost 100 times stronger than they need to be in order to perform all of their functions.
  • The eyes are the 2nd most complex organ in the body, behind the brain.
  • With our eyes completely open, only about one sixth of the entire eyeball is exposed.
  • Our eyes are able to process over 36,000 pieces of information in a whole hour.
  • The human eye only technically sees the colors red, blue, and green. All the other colors we see are some sort of combination of those three colors.
  • The human eye is able to differentiate between over 500 different shades of grey.
  • Smoking on a regular basis can reduce your night vision.
  • Our eyes are made up of over 2 million different working parts.
  • Each eyeball weighs about 28 grams on average.
  • Each person has a dominant eye, light how we have a dominant hand. That eye processes and sees better than the other.
  • The main function of tears is to help clean our eyes, and scientists are unable to figure out why we release tears when we are sad or upset.

If ever in need of any help with your eyes, contact this Palmdale eye doctor to help fulfill all of your needs.

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Benefits of Garbage Disposals

Garbage disposals are one of the most convenient modern-day kitchen appliances today. Installed under your kitchen sink, a garbage disposal unit is a perfect alternative to the conventional removal of your food debris. Your garbage disposal unit lets you throw your leftovers in the sink to be crushed and flushed down the drain. Once you flip the switch, the machine shreds your leftover food into tiny pieces that can easily pass through your plumbing pipes.


As with any appliance, your garbage disposal can experience issues over time. Still, the benefits far outweigh any garbage disposal issues you’ll have throughout the life of your device. Let’s look at some of the most significant benefits of installing a garbage disposal in your kitchen.


5 Benefits of Garbage Disposals


Here are some fantastic benefits of garbage disposals:


1.   Time-Savings


Disposing kitchen waste using a garbage disposal unit is a speedy process. As soon as you put the leftovers in the sink and turn on the switch, the garbage disposal unit gets to work, cutting up your food leftovers into small pieces. These pieces are eliminated through your sink drain as they pass through your plumbing lines.


One of the most incredible benefits of using a garbage disposal is the time you save on getting rid of your kitchen garbage. You don’t have to worry about throwing away your food debris and taking the trash out. Instead, you can simply wash your dishes and grind up the waste.


2.   Reduced Kitchen Smell


Unfortunately, some leftover food debris can get stuck in your kitchen drains over time. When left to rot, this can create a foul smell in your kitchen. When you use a garbage disposal, you don’t have to worry about food debris making a bad odor in your home. This also reduces any health risks from bacteria growth foulith rotting food, bringing additional benefits to you and your family.


3.   No-Risk of Pipe Leaks


As a homeowner, you have probably had a clogged drain at one point. Even if you clear off your dishes in the garbage can before rinsing them, small pieces of food can get into your drain pipes when you wash your plates. As this debris builds up in your drain pipes, you can experience drain clogs. Fixing these clogs typically requires a professional plumber. This isn’t just a nuisance, but can also be quite an expense. Your garbage disposals unit cuts up any leftovers into tiny pieces that won’t get stuck in your pipes. There are very few risks of drain clogging, pipe leaks, and other plumbing issues if you’re using garbage disposals.


4.   Cost-Effective


Garbage disposals save you a significant amount of money as well. As soon as you start using a garbage disposal unit, the cost of trash bags and other supplies to eliminate garbage is significantly reduced. Moreover, garbage disposals protect your home’s plumbing system, which saves you money on plumbing repairs.


5.   Long-Lasting


Garbage disposal units are built to last for decades with proper care. The best way to enhance the longevity of your system is to use your unit as instructed and avoid unnecessary damage.


Contact Antelope Valley Plumbing for Your Needs


If you need professional drain cleaning in Palmdale, we’re here to help. Contact Antelope Valley Plumbing to schedule an appointment with one of our expert plumbers.

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Common Causes of AC Problems

Air conditioners are just like any other household appliance. They require routine maintenance and proper care to work effectively. You can face many common problems when using an air conditioner, especially if you ignore fundamental issues. That’s why it’s imperative to contact a professional AC repair company immediately if you notice a problem.


The best way to avoid more significant air conditioning issues is to understand the common causes of AC problems. Knowing the roots of the problem can make it much easier to explain the situation to the repairing company and get it fixed quickly. Let’s discuss the most common AC issues residential customers see.


3 Common Residential AC Problems


The following are some common causes of AC problems:


1.   Dirty Condenser Coils


A condenser coil absorbs the hot air inside your home and brings it outside through your outdoor AC unit.  Layers of crud and dust can build up on the lid of the condenser coil, causing your AC unit to break down.


If you find dirt build-ups on your condenser coil, it is highly advised to thoroughly clean it by washing away all the dirt and crud. Condenser coils can easily be washed by taking a garden nozzle and shooting pressurized water towards the top of the condenser coil. The force of the water is often enough to clean your condenser coil and get your AC working again. It’s a quick, easy, and affordable way to repair your AC issues.


2.   Blown Fuses


If your AC suddenly stops working without any other explanation, you might have blown a fuse. Flown fuses can occur at any time, and most people don’t realize that there’s a simple source of the problem. Luckily, the solution is fast and easy.


There are two fuses in your AC unit. When your system is forced to work hard, one of the fuses can blow and cause a problem for your AC system. A blown a fuse can typically be reset, but even a replacement is easy and affordable to handle.


You can quickly check on your own if your fuse is blown or not by checking other plugs on the same circuit. You can also see a blown fuse by looking at the electrical box. A blown fuse will usually be facing a different direction from the others.


3.   Frozen Evaporator Coil


The evaporator coil is located inside your air handler, and it holds the refrigerant coolant. Evaporator coils require the circulation of warm air around them to function correctly. However, in some scenarios, the evaporator coil can get too cold. Issues such as broken fans, blocked condenser lines, or refrigerant leaks can cause ice to build around your evaporator coil. This will stop your AC from working.


Solving this issue is straightforward. As soon as you identify a frozen coil, you should turn off the thermostat and keep the fan on. This will eventually melt off all the ice near the coil, and the air conditioner will start working correctly again. Contact your local AC repair company for a fast and affordable solution if you are worried about handling these issues with DIY methods.


Contact All Star Plumbing, Heating, and Air for Your Water Heater Repairs


If you need a reliable Los Angeles AC repair company, we’re here to help. Contact All Star Plumbing, Heating, and Air for all your plumbing needs.

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All Sliding Glass Doors Arent Equal

There are many options to consider when selecting a sliding glass door. Function, size, material, and style are just a few of the things to consider. Depending on where in your house you would like the sliding glass doors will affect what options you choose.

Why have you decided to install sliding glass doors? Is it to allow natural light in from the outdoors, or to divide an interior room such as a closet? Depending on where the door is to go will impact decisions for size, material, and style. The major components of a sliding glass door are the rail system, one or more stationary panels, and one or more mobile panels. The doors can be designed for either right-handed or left-handed people. For right-handed people the right panel slides to the left. Left-handed doors have the left panel slide to the right. Sometimes there are two outer stationary panels with one mobile panel in the middle. The most common design is a two panel design, but they can be designed with up to four or more panels.

All glass sliding doors are installed on rail systems. Heavier doors are designed to be installed on the bottom rail so the doors are resting on rollers. Lighter doors are installed to hang from the top track. These tracks can be made of vinyl, wood, or metal.

The typical height of a glass sliding door is 80 inches tall. Width can range from 60 inches to 72 inches. A custom size can always be manufactured. Deviating from the standard sizes will incur extra cost and time in your project. Staying with standard sizes will enable you to potential buy in stock doors and rail systems. Additional panels can be added to adjust to the size of your opening. The larger the panel the heavier it will be. If you have a wide opening it is suggested to use more than two panels to prevent the doors from being too heavy.

Common materials used in glass sliding door frames are wood and metal. Picking the right material will affect how your doors look. Fiberglass is a popular choice as it is lightweight and durable. Steel is the strongest material, while wood provides a warm, welcoming look. Different frames can provide different aesthetics to you doors. You can go from a modern look, to French country side, to farm house. The clear portion can be made from glass, which is heavy and fragile. Newer sliding glass doors are actually made from a clear fiberglass that is more durable and lightweight than glass.

Are you ready to talk to a professional about installing sliding glass doors in Riverside, CA? Choosing a professional to design and install your sliding glass doors will make sure your new doors are made of quality materials, and will fit perfectly. Using a company will also provide you peace of mind should something happen to your doors. Just call the company to have your doors easily repairs, or any broken parts replaced.

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6 Things Everyone Should Know Before Refinancing Your Mortgage

While most people who own homes may want to restructure all of their finances based on low mortgage interest rates, everyone’s decision to refinance should be based on your personal finances and the financial circumstances you are in. The mortgage rates of the week should not make you decide whether or not you should refinance because you may not have the finances to do so.



Here are 6 important things everyone should know about before refinancing your mortgage.



  1. Know the equity of your home


The first main qualification you have to know in order to refinance your home is the equity of the home. Depending on your home, renovations on your home, and the location of your home, your equity rises and lowers. Refinancing with low or no equity on your home is not usually possible while refinancing with middle or high equity on your home is likely to always get approved. If you do have a low equity, it is possible to refinance through certain government programs.



  1. Know your credit score


Over the past few years, lenders have become increasingly strict and must require that you have a good credit score. But even then, most people with good credit scores may be stuck with a higher interest rate similar to one that a person with a lower credit score would have. Usually a lender will want someone to have a credit score of around 760 or higher to qualify for one of the lower or lowest interest rates.



  1. Know what your debt to income ratio is


Most people do not think of this, but this is something lenders look into quite a bit. If the lenders see that your debt to income ratio is not looking too good, it is likely they will not approve you for a new loan, even if you have a good credit score. Your debt to income ratio should be around 36% or less in order to be likely to get accepted for refinancing.



  1. Know the costs of refinancing


It is important to know the costs that come with refinancing when you want to. It usually costs about 5% of the total loan amount. Most lenders do require this cost in order to make some money off of the loan, but there are possible loans that lenders provide that do not have that cost. But with that no cost loan, that means that it is likely that the loaner will make you pay a higher interest rate.



  1. Know your break even point


It is important to calculate your break even point which is the point where the costs of refinancing are covered by your monthly savings.



  1. Know your taxes


A few consumers rely on the mortgage interest deduction to reduce their total federal income tax bill because if you refinance and can begin paying lower and lower interest rates, your tax deduction may be lower, so it is important to watch all of that.

If ever in need of professional help with refinancing, contact this Lancaster refinance company.


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